HomeSpeech Therapy

Speech Therapy

At Joyful Motion Therapy, our highly trained and skilled speech-language therapists specialize in treating the full range of speech, language, feeding, fluency, voice, and pragmatic disorders associated with children. They work closely with families to address their needs and incorporate their goals into each child’s treatment plan.

The speech and language therapists strongly believe in and have seen great results with children’s speech and language when incorporating sensory integration into their treatment sessions. They encourage speech and language with movement and address functional communication skills. In addition, they are trained to address sensory feeding issues alongside our Occupational Therapists. 

The Speech and Language department is able to address the following areas: Receptive Language, Expressive Language, Apraxia of Speech, Swallowing and Feeding, Articulation and Phonology, Oral Motor, Sensory Feeding, Pragmatic/Social Language, Memory, Cognition, Auditory Processing, Stuttering, and Fluency.

Below are some of the programs that our therapists are trained to implement in their therapy sessions:

  • Lindcombe
  • Beckman
  • Interactive Metronome
  • Sensory Integration
  • Augmentative Communication
  • Vital Stim​
  • PECS